Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lots of visitors to the outdoor kitty buffet

Sweetie and her kittens decided they've found a good place to be for now.  There are 4 kittens, all just cute as can be.  One black one with 2 white back toes, and 3 gray striped tigers like their mama.  We've been trying to socialize them for a few weeks before we will likely need to take them to the SPCA.  Mom-cat has gotten used to us, but we're still working on the kittens.  I go just sit quietly when I've put food out for them, and they're getting better and better about not being afraid of me.  Sometimes I watch them out the window.  One evening, we had not one, but TWO other visitors.  A baby opposum, and a raccoon.  Mom-cat was not particularly amused.  She didn't get aggressive them with, but she stands up, and lets it be known they're horning in on the the KITTY buffet, not the awesome-possum or raccoon buffet.  It's like wild kingdom around here.

I want one of these !

Seen in Connecticut (altho not by me).  I want one !  Imaginary (and future) chicken farmers all need tractor signs !

Tractor Parking  All Others Will Be Plowed Under.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Neighborhood Characters

I walk most days, and often in the neighborhood, so I've befriended the various neighborhood cats and dogs.  There's a golden lab that loves to bark at me as I pass by his house.  He's behind a fence, and plays 'ferocious watchdog' when there. Until.....I see his ball in the street and pick it up.  Suddenly, all thoughts of "watching" are gone, and the "dog" part emerges fully, saying "throw my ball !!!!".  He's so funny.  His owner and I have laughed lots of times watching him become a puddle of puppy play at just the sight of his errant ball in the street.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The current flock 'o metal chickens

Since I don't currently have any live chickens, and there are no neighborhood chickens around to play with, my flock of metal chickens is going to have to do for now.  Meet the gang.  From left to right is Randy, Chickadee, Pot Pie, and Dumpling, and barely visible on the floor is a cast iron door stop with two chickens....Penny and Rusty.  Spouse found me a couple of old chick feeders to dress up my "coop" area.  They're quite the gang, and spouse is afraid I've so scoured the town for metal chickens there'll be nothing left for him to find for my Christmas present, haha.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Catch of the day

Bitty, the wild missy
Squirrel, ok with Bitty being the main hunter

It's the Wild Kingdom here in the house.  I was in the kitchen telling spouse something, when in came both Bitty and Squirrel.  Bitty had what appeared to be a toy in her mouth.  Turned out to be a LIVE MOUSE !  Oh my.  She set it down on the floor and was having a ball chasing it around.  Squirrel has been an inside kitty pretty much forever, but Bitty had a previous life before being fostered and then adopted by me.  I got her when she was about 15 months old, and I suspect she was once on the street fending for herself.  No earthly idea how a live mouse got in the house (maybe drought related?), but Bitty was on it !  Spouse decided not to risk it getting away from Bitty and remaining live "somewhere" in the house, so he and Bitty chased it into the bathroom and closed the door while I covered my eyes and ears.  Bitty chased it into spouse's area, and he dispatched it.  Teamwork !  We decided to let Bitty play with it, since she'd done a lot of work.  She pushed it around and played with it quite a long while before deciding to head to her food bowl for a snack.  Call of the wild my foot, haha.  Never a dull moment around here.