Friday, June 4, 2010

Dude looks like a lady....

Turns out Frosty, June, Helen and Peg were actually Frank, Jack, Horace and Paul.  Sigh.

As of this morning, my remaining three "girls" have all crowed or are valiantly trying to manage a crow.  While I didn't want to look my gift hens in the mouth, it appears not a one of the original four was a hen.  I'd seen at least 2 of them wrestling daily, but a chicken forum said girls sometimes do this too, so I was in blissful denial for as long as I could be about their true gender.  No eggs will be coming from these hims.

So, later today, I'll gather them up (or at least try....good's not like they'll just hop in a cat carrier willingly), and take them down to Wabash (the feed store).  I'm grateful Wabash is willing to take them and find them a more appropriate home.

The big question next is.....should I replace these 3 with two known hens (no guessing !!).  Wabash has some grown ones, who are clearly one gender or the other.  I'm thinking "yes", however I may wait until the contractors are finished with the infrastructure work on my block...maybe a week.  They're doing brick sidewalks and putting in sewer lines etc and there's much noise and confusion and torn-up yard etc.

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